Posts Tagged: strategic dialogue

They note that by practicing dialogue skills in their other day-to-day work, they amplify their service and impact. They observe that their self-awareness is sharper and that their capacity to be effective in complex situations is enhanced.

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Craft goals in the language and worldview of the prevailing culture while enabling people to make sense of those goals in their own terms. This is the work of the bi-culturalist.

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Nature points towards basic methods that work such as sensing patterns, recombining ideas into a new “mutation” and being open to feedback. Systems mapping, pattern analysis, experimentation, collaboration, and dialogue are their organisational equivalents.

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Discipline #4 of 5 – Team Learning The fundamental characteristic of the unaligned team is wasted energy. And unless teams can learn, the organisation cannot learn. When teams are aligned and learning they produce extraordinary results. And individuals in the team grow more rapidly than they could ever otherwise do. The discipline of team learning

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The visioning process is a process of participative inquiry. It requires convening meetings where people can talk about their dreams and fears for the future. It requires accessing people deep desire for connection to each other and to a bigger purpose.

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Catalyzing the Future

In times of crisis you need to be able to make decisions based on what it right and not on what is most comfortable. When you are really scared – what have you got to hang on to? The only thing is to hang on to is – what is the right thing to do? Because nothing else can be trusted as real.

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