Posts Categorized: Insights

The Public Sector Climate Action Mandate requires public bodies to reduce their energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030. This poses an unprecedented leadership challenge! Having facilitated climate leadership workshops in several public and private sector board rooms, I have not encountered any objection to the target. There is consensus that climate change is

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And yet we know that an organisation, a community or a sector that wants to learn and find new solutions has to be willing to look at the information that disconfirms its past beliefs and practices. Communities, organisations or sectors that want to stay vital must search out surprise, look for what is startling, uncomfortable and possibly even shocking.

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This conflict was reflected in the Forum’s call for more collaboration and more whole-of-society engagement. The conflicting perspectives and values need to be rebalanced or integrated. Focusing on rebalancing requires a shift in power dynamics – and feels like a battle. Focusing on integration requires better thinking and the capacity to see more comprehensively. And that requires hard work! However, integration is the sustainable way forward.

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EU Taxonomy seeks to encourage divestment from unsustainable investments. However, divestment only works if another investor buys the assets of the divesting investor. Divestment might be a good risk management strategy for a company or a fund manager. However, divestment is not an effective strategy for creating an actual outcome.

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