The organisations I have worked with include:
  • Adoption Authority of Ireland,
  • An Foram Uisce,
  • Animal Health Ireland,
  • Antaris Consulting,
  • Association of Chief Executives of State Agencies in Ireland.
  • Bimeda,
  • Bord Iascaigh Mhara,
  • Boston Scientific,
  • Coca-Cola,
  • Commissioner of Irish Lights,
  • Department of Energy, Climate and Communications,
  • Department of Transport,
  • Dublin City University,
  • Duggan Veterinary Supplies,
  • Elix Aviation Finance,
  • Enterprise Ireland,
  • Ethos Engineering,
  • Environmental Protection Agency,
  • Farmgate Veterinary Group,
  • Firecrest Clinical,
  • Food Safety Authority of Ireland,
  • FRS Co-op,
  • Glenveagh Homes,
  • Grasstec,
  • KPC International,
  • Limerick Chamber,
  • IBEC,
  • Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association,
  • Irish Farmers Association,
  • Merchants Quay Ireland,
  • Met Eireann,
  • Munster Bovine Services,
  • Portwest,
  • Ryan Group Holdings,
  • Shannon Chamber,
  • SmartRoutes,
  • University College Dublin,
  • Veterinary Ireland,
  • Vitalograph,
  • We Are Riley,
  • Western Development Commission,
  • Xenergie Foundation,
  • XLVets Ireland.
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