Executive panel discussion at the SDG Forum

Navigating dialogue about implementing the SDGs

Non-Executive Director

In the broadest sense, a Non-Executive Director’s role has two components:

  • Monitor executive activity
  • Contribute to the development of strategy

The specific reasons why you might want to consider speaking to me about appointing a non-executive director include:

  • Contribute to a culture of constructive challenge in the boardroom.
  • Address ESG and sustainability skills gaps.
  • Create space for a broader view to see risks and opportunities more comprehensively.
  • Vocalise your organisation’s conscience.
  • Add vigour and rigour to your change culture.

Geoff is an experienced director and a member of the Institute of Directors.

“Be courageous – never be frightened of asking what might appear to be a ‘dumb’ or ‘unthinkable’ question.”

– Sir Harry Solomon, Ex-FTSE 100 Chair

“And if you really don’t understand the answer, ask again!”

– Institute of Directors


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