Listening Empathetically

Conflict Management Strategy #2 Listening

When leaders list their biggest organisational performance problems, communication is usually at or near the top.

Communication is not what is said or written. Communication is what is understood.

Being able to listen and feeling you have been heard are key elements in job satisfaction, conflict resolution and organisational effectiveness.

Effective listening does not start with listening. Rather it starts when the listener clears the decks to give their undivided attention to the person who is about to speak.

There is a crucial difference between hearing which is physiological and listening which is psychological. Listening, like speaking, is a matter of intention.

When you listen with deep commitment you will develop improved skills and discover increased opportunities for problem solving, conflict resolution and transformation.

Just as learning’s greatest enemy is not ignorance, but what you are sure you are already know; the greatest challenge to listening is letting go of what you are certain of so that you can allow another person’s experience lead you to a higher, more integrated, and composite truth.

Large-scale transformations often take place through very simple actions, such as listening, asking questions, and making commitments.

Every conflict contains hidden lessons that can fuel your growth.

Read about strategy #1; Decode the organisational culture

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