• – 1 –

    Can you describe your organisation’s
    impact in a sentence?

  • – 2 –

    Is your organisation
    conflicted about how to respond to the environmental cisis? 

  • – 3 –

    Is your focus and energy consumed with resolving the same problem….repeatedly?

  • – 4 –

    Can you tell a credible and engaging story about what your organisation does and why it matters?

  • – 5 –

    Do you know what you need to monitor to evaluate your organisation’s performance and impact?

  • – 6 –

    Do you understand what you do sufficiently well, to confidently reproduce your impact in another context?

If  you find yourself answering these questions in the negative

Contact me for an informal conversation


How Can We Help

We will facilitate, advise and challenge you and your
team to achieve your highest vision:

  • Observe

    Collect intelligence through research, dialogue and participative processes.

  • Orient

    Looking through a purposeful lens to analyse, filter and enrich information.

  • Decide

    Generate actionable insights and move forward with a philosophy of safe-to-fail experimentation.

  • Act

    Execute and reflect. What did you learn? How can you apply what you learned?


The primary benefit of working with us is that you will have highly experienced and capable confidantes, mentors and facilitators dedicated to your success and holding you and your organisation accountable for mediating the better future that you want.


Working with us is easy. Everything begins with a straightforward and friendly conversation – without any obligation. When we understand your objectives, we suggest how we can help you or make an alternative recommendation.



Leaders build capacity for achieving future performance. One client lamented, “We have lots of infrastructure for decision-making but none for learning.” A learning organisation is a place where people continually discover how they create their own reality.

The most successful solutions respond to short-term opportunities in ways that build longer-term capacity. They connect event-driven systems thinking with developmental systems thinking.

We will work with you in finding systemic solutions.


Lets start the Conversation


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